Ma Liming, Chairman of Liaoning Huaye Group, went to Nigeria to carry out cooperation

Ma Liming, Chairman of Liaoning Huaye Group, went to Nigeria to carry out cooperation in the "Electrified Africa" project.



    On August 18, Ma Liming, Chairman of Liaoning Huaye Group, went to Nigeria to carry out cooperation on the "Electrified Africa" project.

    Ma Liming and Haruna, Chairman of National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure  (NASENI) of Nigeria, exchanged views on future market planning and industrial operation after the project reaches its capacity. After the meeting, the two sides received interviews from Nigeria National Television and Nigeria Daily Mail.

    Haruna said in the interview: "President Buhari of Nigeria announced that the foundation laying ceremony of the Nigerian transformer electrical equipment industrial park project jointly constructed by NASENI and Liaoning Huaye Group will be held in September. The total investment of the project is more than 300 million dollars. The industrial park includes three transformer production plants and one high-voltage power testing center and other industrial parks. After completion, the annual output value will be 600 million dollars, which will change the situation that Nigeria cannot independently produce power transmission and transformation equipment. The products will also be exported to other African countries and nearby European countries. "

    Nigeria Daily Mail published special news: "Mr. Ma Liming, Chairman of Liaoning Huaye Group, led a 20 member Chinese delegation to Nigeria for a visit. China's power transmission and transformation equipment, high-speed rail and mobile Internet technologies are world leading. Liaoning Huaye Group and NASENI have carried out three years of project cooperation, which has facilitated the on-site training of 60 NASENI engineers in China's transformer production plants and high-voltage testing laboratories. The project is expected to be completed and put into operation in 18 months. Subsequently, relevant industrial chains such as high and low voltage switchgear, iron towers, cables and other electrical components will be carried out simultaneously, and the industrial chain park is under planning and negotiation. Liaoning Huaye Group and NASENI will work together as good partners to ensure the smooth progress of the project. "

    This trip to Nigeria will last for two months, and will carry out extensive cooperation with more national institutions, government departments and local enterprises, including electricity, metallurgy, natural resources, high-tech industry incubation, etc.