
According to our reporter (all media reporter Wang Lin) On the 18th, the transformer factory contracted by Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd. was officially put into operation in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. It was reported that this was a turnkey project involving equipment manufacturing, engineering construction, installation and commissioning, and technical support. The contract lasted for 4 years. The production line adopted the most advanced transformer technology in China and the world. Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd. with EPC qualification undertook the design and implementation of the whole project.

Since 2013, batch after batch of Liaoning Huaye people had entered Ethiopia to participate in the project construction, and the figure of "Huaye Blue" had become the most gorgeous color of the project site. The completion of this model project had laid an important foundation for the development of Ethiopia's national power transmission and transformation industry, and had become a transformer production base in Ethiopia and even in East Africa. It marks a major step forward in Ethiopia's industrialization process, and also opens the door for Ethiopia's localized manufacturing. For Ethiopia, which is in the critical period of transformation from agricultural economy to industrial economy, the project will play a key role in this process. Huaye firmly grasped the favorable opportunity of the national "the Belt and Road" development strategy and won more overseas projects with its successful engineering achievements in Africa. In the future, "Huaye Blue" will shine more brightly on the African continent.

Forward the news of Anshan Daily on May 21, 2015.