30th Anniversary Celebration of Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd

30th Anniversary Celebration of Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd


    At 10:00 a.m. on July 1, all Huaye people with great excitement held a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Liaoning Huaye Group Development Co., Ltd. in the assembly workshop of the transformer company to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Huaye Group!

    At the beginning of the celebration, a short video of congratulations from leaders, friends, customers and partners from afar was broadcast. Subsequently, the documentary "Thirty Years of Huaye" about the development of Huaye Group in the past 30 years, was broadcast. It showed that Huaye people forged their own development process with hard work and sweat, diligence and wisdom. Every historical moment, every turning point and every achievement had recorded and born the development and changes of Huaye Group’s 30 years.

    Comrade Zhou Jun, secretary of the Party Committee, announced the list of employees who had been in office for 5, 15, 20 and 25 years. Chairman Ma Liming and General Manager Qin Wei awarded star-level staff medals to employees who had been in office for more than 25 years. All Huaye people sang the song "Every one paddles ,and a ship can be started" to offer their sincere wishes for the 30th birthday of Huaye.

    Liu Yang, director of the Finance Department, and Wang Wei from the transformer manufacturer, the representatives of outstanding employees, made speeches to share their insights and gains. Subsequently, Comrade Li Enyong, deputy general manager of the group company, made a speech to congratulate the 30th birthday of Huaye Group and introduced the development plan of the group company's technology research and development in the future.

    At last, the chairman of the board, Mr. Ma Liming, delivered a speech on the 30th birthday of Huaye Group and looked forward to three aspects in the future.

    First, Huaye was realizing the reality of doubling production capacity and sales. And it would continue to achieve no less than 30% growth in three years. Second, seized the opportunity of "the Belt and Road" Electrified Africa project, and developed the upstream and downstream of Nigeria's transformer industry. Third, the great success of Hollingole local power grid marked the necessity of EPC in some regions of China. We would increase our exploration and investment in this area in the future. Mr. Ma said in his speech that I would continue to walk with all the people of Huaye Group for another 30 years. The real maturity of me, Huaye and Huaye people just begun, and all the beautiful things just begun!

    The celebration of the 30th birthday of Huaye Group was announced to be over with warm applause. After the meeting, all members signed on the sign-in wall and took a group photo.

    Congratulations to Mr. Ma and Huaye, and to every Huaye who has fought for the cause of Huaye!